Change is Coming

We have known the ministry of men, but we are about to experience the glory of God. The demarcation is going to be undeniable and it will draw attention and gain momentum. Some will resist it, but most will rejoice in it. The message and the manifestation is going to be significantly different, as we are carried along by the voice of God. But what will be consistent and dependable is the unshakable truth of the gospel of the kingdom.

Hebrews 13:8 “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”

Things Are Going to Shake

Remember the old saying, the bigger they are the harder they fall? This can refer to pride, which makes them stiff-necked so they won’t fall without a fight; Or it can mean when they fall because of their size (Influence) their fall will cause a shaking. The iron and clay kingdom is about to fall; big trees are going to fall; and when they do things are going to shake, because they fell… so do not fear. Their fall is going to shake the nations.

Amos 9:8-9 “Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are on the sinful kingdom,

And I will destroy it from the face of the earth; Nevertheless, I will not totally destroy the house of Jacob, Declares the LORD. For behold, I am commanding, And I will shake the house of Israel among all nations As grain is shaken in a sieve, But not a kernel will fall to the ground.”

Daniel 2:32-35 “The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and crushed them. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold were crushed all at the same time and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”

The Lord Lingers Long

I was driving home from a day-cation yesterday and for the last 90 minutes of the trip I watched the sunset. Psalm 19 says “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, And night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words; Their voice is not heard,” so I drove in silence and listened to what creation was saying.

What I heard was scripture because Psalm 19 also says “In them He has placed a tent for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; It rejoices as a strong man to run his course. Its rising is from one end of the heavens, and its circuit to the other end of them; And there is nothing hidden from its heat.”

What I heard as I listened to the Lord as the sun was setting is the Bridegroom lingers long for He never wants the day to end. The light seemed to stretch the sky, the colors changed effortlessly from gold and pink to tan and gray.

I realized during that 90 minutes of listening, watching, and pondering that we miss a lot because we don’t know how to linger. We are so quick to move on to the next thing and God is not in a hurry at all. I learned the God I serve is a God that lingers long at the end of the day and loves to break forth with a new day.

Police or Release

Unforgivess is a scheme of the enemy of which many people are trapped in. How do you know if you’ve fallen for the scheme called unforgiveness? You know because if you don’t release them you will police them. Everyone you police is someone you have yet to release. This goes from Presidents to parents and every person in between. Policing is evidence of not releasing.

2 Corinthians 2:10-11 “If you forgive anyone, I also forgive him. And if I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven it in the presence of Christ for your sake, in order that Satan should not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”

Matthew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”