Divinity In Humanity

I have some friends who own 500 acres of farm land in Kansas and they call me from time to time to pray for rain. Being a farmer, rain is a commodity they can only depend on God for. Rain is the key to the harvest. My friend’s husband, can plow, plant and prepare the soil, but if God does not send the rain, there is no harvest despite all his hard work.

This morning I was reading Proverbs 30, of which I have read a Proverb a day for decades, but today verses 15-16 jumped off the page and brought to mind my farmer friends in Kansas. “The leech has two daughters, “Give,” “Give.” There are three things that will not be satisfied, Four that will not say, “Enough”: Sheol, and the barren womb, Earth that is never satisfied with water, And fire that never says, “Enough.” This verse illuminated on the page today and the Lord began to speak to me.

The land cries give, give me more water, even though it was watered probably the day before. The land will always need water. As I thought about this, the Lord said to me, “I put ______ (my friend) on that land to give the land water, not water from heaven, but living water from his belly. I put rivers of living water inside of him (John 4) and what the land is really crying out for is his manifestation as a son of God (Romans 8:18-22).”

I had never thought of that before, but it is so true, anything in our life that is crying out or revealing discontentment is there so you, so I can release rivers of living water into that situation and manifest our sonship as sons and daughters of God so creation can be liberated. This goes for land, people, nations, and structures. My friends, we are the distributors of the living water that sets thirsty situations free. Release the river inside of you, manifest the divinity that is inside of you as humanity, you were put there as a solution to a problem. Prophesy!!!!

Tabernacle Time

Today is Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles. I have been seeing the booth in the spirit that the Hebrews would create and sit under during these feast days. But then it turned into a palm tree and I saw Deborah sitting under this tree and the Lord called it the feast of tabernacles. I then saw Jonah under the vine that the Lord provided for him, same idea. Finally I saw Nathaniel when Jesus saw him sitting under the fig tree and again the Lord said to me, “Feast of Tabernacles”.

On this first day of this feast, I am reading Psalm 119, what a great psalm to start this feast with, because it has over 100 verses and they all have to do with the psalmists love for the word of God. As I sit in my parabolic booth and read Psalm 119, these words sink deep in my soul “How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, Who seek Him with all their heart. They also do no unrighteousness; They walk in His ways.” (Psalm 119:2-3)

The Lord began to share with me how His words are our boundaries. When we live in the boundaries of HIs words, we are safe, provided for and prosperous in every way, but when we go outside of His word, we are no longer safe. The Lord continued and said, “His words are our boundaries and when we are living inside of them, we know we are loved.” Many believers don’t know they are loved by God and I would wager to guess those same believers are not living daily in the words of God.

The challenge modern day Christians face is they want things they are not willing to alter their life for. The psalmist says, “I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. I shall delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word.” The word of God is a person and that man Jesus the Christ, God the Father and the Holy Spirit who loves us so much more than we know, but to find this love, to experience this love, to know this love, we must live in the boundaries of His word.

Will you join me for this seven day feast and sit under the fig tree, sit under the palm tree, sit under the vine with me as we bring our lives back into the boundaries of God’s word? I know you will have to say no to other appetites, but once you taste and see that the Lord is good, you will lose your appetite for other things. The Feast of Tabernacles is a great time to recalibrate your heart and come back into alignment with the word of God. It will make you feel better. Welcome to the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Flaming Arrows of God

During worship the other night, at the Josh Baldwin event, the Lord took me into a vision and I saw the Lord standing and facing forward with a confident but peaceful look on His face. Then I saw His arm reach behind His back and He had a quiver of arrows. The arrows were permanently flaming is what I was told. As I watched the Lord grab an arrow from the quiver, He put it in the bow and I looked to see where He was going to shoot it. He was pointing the arrow at a world map that was suspended in mid air in front of Him. He shot the arrow and it hit a nation and immediately I knew He was shooting people to specific locations on that map. The first arrow hit a country on the continent of Africa. As soon as the arrow hit the Lord’s desired location, I heard the song, “We speak to nations!” The arrow was securely burrowed into the nation and all I could keep saying as I looked at perpetually flaming arrow is “We speak to nations, we speak to nations, we speak to nations.” I was mesmerized by this vision and kept saying over and over again, “We speak to nations, we speak to nations, we speak to nations.”

Psalm 104:4 says, “He makes the winds His messengers, Flaming fire His ministers.”

The Lord is going to send people to speak to nations, He will send them to very specific nations, as perpetual flames of fire. Arrows of His choosing, sent out to nations He has marked for that messenger. Once they land in that nation, words of life will come out of their mouths and the nation to which they were sent will respond to the words of the Lord. This is all God’s doing. The Lord chose the arrow, the Lord chose the nation, the Lord will chose what is said to that nation. The honor of being a perpetually flaming arrow of God is enough, these people are not going to take credit for any of this, for they know and the nation will know, this was God’s idea and God’s doing. The nations are about to hear the word of God from fiery messangers.

White Boat or Grey Ship

A little less than a week ago, I realized I had not had a dream in a while, so I asked the Lord if He would give me a dream to tell me something He is doing. I had no expectation of what He would say, I just wanted to hear something about what He is doing and in the early hours of this morning I had a dream. I know it was in response to my request to know what He is doing, here is the dream.

I dreamt I was walking around a marina with a family I am very good friends with. While we were at this marina, there were many boats docked here and their son, was with me as we walked in and out of the various boats. The son who was with me and was 8-9 years old, was getting on and off the backs of the boats. All the boats were white and probably a little bigger than speed boat size. I watched him as he got on the back of this one white boat and all of the sudden a rope went up behind him and gently pulled him onto the boat. The boat slowly began to pull out of the slip where it was tied and gently, slowly began to drive out of the marina area. I ran to another location on the marina dock and I asked a man who standing there, where is the boat going, the man said, the grey cruise ship, I said no, the white boat. I then looked up and the white boat was in front of the big grey cruise ship and I woke up.

Boat means ministry or church, cruise ship means big ministry or big church; white is purity or righteousness and grey means mixture or lukewarm. The name of the boy who got on the back of the white boat means favored of God. The Lord told me, “I am favoring the ministries of purity and righteousness and the cruise ships of compromise are following what I am favoring.” He went on to say, people love the big cruise ship, but it is filled with mixture, I Am putting my favor on the ministries and churches who are pure and operating in righteousness.” My friends, size does not determine favor with God. He is putting favor on the back of ministries of purity and righteousness, that is what God is doing. Get on the white boat for that is where the favor is.

Come Out of Poverty, Come Into Abundance

The spirit of poverty has nothing to do with how much money you have, it is a spirit and it is no respecter of persons. This spirit of poverty is in the rich and the poor alike. It is in every class you see, middle, lower, upper class. The spirit of poverty tells you if you more money is the answer to your problems. If only you had more money, but money is not going to defeat the spirit of poverty. God in His absolute genius, used poverty to defeat poverty. The Bible says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9). This is the pattern of God, for He used sin to defeat sin (2 Cor. 5:21); He used death to defeat death (1 Cor. 15:55); and He used poverty to defeat poverty. It’s hard to understand but it is the truth.

We are being invited to let the Lord defeat the spirit of poverty in our lives, for if this spirit is not put under your feet, no amount of money is going to change the unrest in your soul. Money does not cure anxiety, fear, depression, loneliness, fear of missing out, anger, drunkenness, sexual immorality, you name the battle. They all are rooted in a spirit of poverty and create unrest for your soul. The Lord wants us to believe His word and trust His ways, if we want to be free from a spirit of poverty. We must partner with God, who is abundance to come out from under the spirit of poverty.

Psalm 116 says, “Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; Yes, our God is compassionate. The LORD preserves the simple; I was brought low, and He saved me. Return to your rest, O my soul, For the LORD has dealt bountifully with you. For You have rescued my soul from death, My eyes from tears, My feet from stumbling. I shall walk before the LORD In the land of the living.” He didn’t just save you from hell, He saved you from the spirit of poverty, by treating you bountifully, so your soul can return to rest while you are alive. I hear the old hymn “Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, and to take Him at His word…” Come on friends, it’s time to access salvation from all sin which is the spirit of poverty. We have access to abundance!

Perfect Love Is The Answer

The root of fear which is so deeply entrenched is producing the fruit of anxiety, depression, anger, loneliness, all the hinderances to living an abundant life. One of the fruits of this root of fear, which hinders us more than any other is control. Control has so many synonyms, self- protection, self- preservation, self-promotion, yes, all of self focus is the fruit of control and is rooted in fear. This taproot called fear must be cast out with perfect love. This means, only the love of God can uproot this out of your life. The body of Christ needs to be delivered from the taproot of fear, and planted in perfect love if we are going to accomplish all God has planned for our generation. No wonder Jesus said, “My Father is the vinedresser” in John 15, the Father is a Master gardener. I mean it all started in a garden, so He knows what He is doing.

I bring this up, because I was praying Psalm 115 this morning and it says, “Not to us, O LORD, not to us, But to Your name give glory Because of Your lovingkindness, because of Your truth. Why should the nations say, Where, now, is their God? But our God is in the heavens; He does whatever He pleases.” As I prayed these first 3 verses of this Psalm, it was obvious to me, that the words, “Our God is in the heavens, He does whatever He pleases” is a hard statement to swallow for fearful, controlling people. Actually all three verses are hard for us, because the words “Not to us, not to us” is about not being selfish or self-centered, or self-focused. Wow, what a Psalm. It really gives you a good morning chiropractic adjustment immediately.

What i realized is, we cannot be controlling and walk with God. He alone is in charge and our response to His leadership is to either trust Him or to resist Him. No matter which option we choose it does not change His position of being in charge and doing whatever He pleases. However, our response does affect our peace. As scary as not being in control sounds, it is actually the only place where we find true peace. We can not control and trust at the same time. Trust is the heart posture of being at rest knowing someone else is control, in charge, and I can tell you from experience, there is no one I trust like I trust God. He is trustworthy.

Peace Is A Ruler

There are many differences between Christians and Hebrews, I called them Hebrews rather than Jews because Jews only represent the southern kingdom of Israel called Judah it does not represent the northern kingdom of Israel called Israel. The differences between Christians and Hebrews is stark in many ways. One of the main differences is that the Hebrews are not afraid of the word dominion but Christians are.

The idea of a dominion mandate which was given to humanity in Genesis chapter 1 is challenging for Christians to accept, because the counterfeit dominion was seen, heard and felt before the authentic dominion could be experienced. Whenever the mention of the idea of dominion or taking dominion happens, many believers go back to the crusades or to the expulsion of Native Americans. These histories are the reason we don’t understand the mystery call dominion.

The Hebrew people do not stumble over the word dominion. When God told them to take Jericho they took it with a shout (Joshua 6), when God told them to take the promised land and take out the Giants they did it with five smooth stones (1 Samuel 17). Throughout the word of God the Hebrews took land and it was a mandate from God, as Christians we struggle to take dominion because we remember what Rome did and we don’t want to treat people that way. The challeng is we are anchored in history rather than biblical reality when we resist the very invitation that God gives us. This is not only related to dominion this is related to many other healings as well.

The reason we are called to take dominion over the Earth can be found in Psalm 114:2 “Judah became His sanctuary, Israel, His dominion!” To understand this verse we have to understand that names meant callings. Therefore when it says Judah became His sanctuary, Judah means praise therefore wherever there is praise there is a sanctuary. Judah is also a land where Jerusalem is located physically today. And what is located in Jerusalem…the temple (Mount). The sanctuary of praise is located in the land of praise which is called Judah. Now when he says Israel, Israel means peace, therefore the land of Israel is a place of peace or at least it’s called to be a place of peace and that explains why there’s so much conflict. The enemy will fight the calling that he knows is on a land or a person with the very antithesis of what they were called to be. Now with that being said Israel, peace is His dominion. That means wherever peace reigns the dominion of God is.

We have been given a dominion mandate, that means only people that have given Yahweh dominion over their life will be able to take dominion over other peoples lives. Not to rule over, not to lord over, not to harm, not to punish, but to create a place of peace. When the righteous are in power peace is supposed to reign in the Earth. Peace is His dominion so wherever you find genuine peace, you will find the dominion of God. Have a great Saturday!

The Believers Jail Break

Oh my good news! I am reading the prophet Micah this morning and it is telling the story of a people who have gotten themselves knee deep into idolatry, falsehood, deception, I mean they are in a mess. Micah even says in chapter 2 “If a man walking after wind and falsehood Had told lies and said, I will speak out to you concerning wine and liquor,’ He would be spokesman to this people.” Now that is not a compliment to the people of God to whom Micah is speaking, but it was the reality they were living in.

People do not like to be confronted on their “stuff”. Most people are not lovers of the truth, that is why they do not want you to tell them the truth about who they are. It is as though we have learned to function in our dysfunction so we do not want to change our function. Sin is a destroyer, no matter what the sin is, but we don’t want to hear the truth about sin, our attitude, who we are hurting, how we are self-sabotaging, none of it. Just tell me I am seen, heard and loved just as I am and I will be fine. This is what was happening in Israel and Judah while Micah prophesied.

Then all of the sudden, seemingly out of nowhere, Micah, speaking for the Lord says, ““I will surely assemble all of you, Jacob, I will surely gather the remnant of Israel. I will put them together like sheep in the fold; Like a flock in the midst of its pasture They will be noisy with men. “The breaker goes up before them; They break out, pass through the gate and go out by it. So their king goes on before them, And the LORD at their head” (Micah 2:12-13). God gathered them like sheep in a fold, then went before them to break them out! I see a gathering taking place of people who are scattered and God is about to do a jail break from the bondage, dysfunction, the disasters they are in. This is not unbelievers, this is a jail break for Christians who are in sin. Oh my good news, this is what God is about to do!

Humility Keeps Us Flexible

Reading the Bible can be mentally challenging. Not because the word of God is not truth, but because we have so much mental infrastructure that is not true. The challenge is, we have agreed with our internal mental infrastructure so when we read truth, even though we know its the truth, we do not agree with it unto action. Deception is so deep seeded, so deeply rooted in us, it literally does not move even when we read the word of God, which is truth.

How many sermons have we heard and done nothing with what we heard? How many bible studies have we attended, but still nothing changed in us when it comes to internal infrastructure. We are masters of justification and then wonder why we struggle with the same sins, the same attitudes, the same issues. We have been seeded by culture and it is deception. How do I know, because we read something in the word of God and even though we like what it says, we don’t agree with it, so we do nothing with what we just read.

James 1:22-25 says, “But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does.”

Humility is not a one time thing, it is a character quality, it means we remain teachable. We are so secure in what little we know about God, so we stop learning. When it comes to technology, we are out buying the latest gadget; when it comes to food, we are on the latest fad; when it comes to the news, we don’t miss a story. We change with culture, but we remain the same with what we know about God. My friends, we must be teachable, for what God is doing is beyond anything we have ever seen or heard before. If you are not humble, you will resist the move of God because of your internal infrastructure that thinks it knows all it needs to about God. Beware, God is going to offend us if we are not humble and teachable.

You Can Do Anything

What you put your hand to is not your identity, who He says you are is your identity, no matter what your hand may be doing. Many people think their identity is what they do, so if they are not doing what they believe they were created for, they struggle with their identity. On the other hand, because people put their identity in what they do with their hand, when they are no longer doing anything with their hand, they don’t know who they are. Our identity is not what we do with our hand.

I am currently doing things with my hand which look contrary to who I am based on calling. However, my identity does not change. I can clean a chicken coup, oversee a chimney cleaning and go shopping for supplies to set up an AirBnB and it does not change my identity as a mouthpiece and minister of God. I know who I am and whose I am so what I do with my hand has no affect on who I am.

People who have tied their identity to what they do will only do what they believe they are called to do. But Jesus said, “The Son of Man came to serve, not to be served and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45). Jesus grew up learning the trade of stonemason or carpenter, that is what He did with His hands, but it was not His identity. His identity was Son of God; Savior of the world. Because He knew who He was, what He did, did not diminish who He was and He could serve anyone and do anything His hand found to do.

Church, our identity is not in what we do, but in who God says we are. We must separate these two things, identity and what our hand is doing, or we will never be a servant of all, for we will think that is not who I am so that is not what I am supposed to do and we will miss out on so many things God put on our path for us. I am a mouthpiece and minister no matter what my hand is doing, and you are who God says you are, no matter what your hand is doing. Now lets get to work, to serving, for we know who we are.