From 2D To MultiD

In how many dimensions do you see God? Let’s say black and white is two dimensional. The number of dimensions in which we see God determines more realities than we even realize. I lead a group of incredible women every Thursday morning in a bible study and currently we are reading the book of Revelation. We have 16-75 year olds in our group, so the conversation is rich with diversity, alive with activity and full of mystery. We are not reading Revelation to determine the end of the world, we are reading it to learn more about our amazing God.

Yesterday we were in Revelation 4 and it was obvious this chapter was not something to be studied, but something to be experienced. I asked each woman to prepare something to express what they saw, heard or experienced in Revelation 4. It was powerful. We heard original songs, new drawings, prophetic words, and great explanations. There were many tears that flowed as we together stood in awe of our amazing God. If we had 2D vision of God before Revelation 4, we now have multidimensional vision of God, for He is a true sight and sound experience.

God is not boring, nor is He bland. He is not dry, hard to listen to, difficult to understand or even complicated. So many of us have been introduced to a 2D God, but He is actually MultiD in vibrancy, authority, and love. The way He speaks melts hearts; opens minds; and releases truth and grace. People want to know God, for who God is. He is alive, He is active, He is an ever present help in time of trouble, but He is also a whole lot of fun. He is beauty and He is power! I pray you upgrade your dimensional understanding of God from 2D to MultiD because He is so much more that we have been told. I hear the spirit of God say, “Let me introduce myself!!!!”

Vision Casting

When I was younger, passion was expressed with volume, but now that I am older, passion is expressed with depth, authority, intimacy and relational equity. Passion is an energy that needs to be expressed, but it also needs to be channeled correctly. Just like a river that is without banks floods the surrounding neighborhoods and damages peoples property, so passion without boundaries can do more harm than good.

There is a passion bubbling in the college age students in the nation. It has been stirring for over a year now, but it seems to bubbling over. It is a passion for purpose, a passion to be known for something, a passion to make an impact, it is truly a passion for the God who is all powerful, all knowing, and desiring the heart of a generation in a nation.

Some see riots and protests on campuses, but I see passion that is misdirected. Proverbs 16 says, “He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, And he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.” Violence is passion without boundaries; it is communication without self-control; it is an expression that is misdirected. I know because I was and still am passionate.

Every generation has a passion they want expressed. Some passions are quieter in their expression than others, but passion is a gift from God and it needs to be directed not squelched. In Knoxville, TN we hear of revival breaking out on campus, but in Chicago this morning riot police were on campus. There have been protests on various campuses this month, graduations shut down, all because people are expressing their passion, but not in the most effective way.

Can you hear a generation calling out for a living God or do you just see a bunch of college kids acting like hoodlums? Jesus said, He who has been forgiven much, loves much. I remember being that misdirected passionate student, but now that my passion is directed it is changing lives. Friends, this generation is like our generation. Passionate but without purpose. Remember without a vision people cast off restraint. When we see restraint being cast off on college campuses it is a cry for someone to cast a vision that will direct the passion. It is time to manifest the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, for a vision of the kingdom will direct the passion of a generation.

Abundance Is Increase

In order for us to receive the abundance God wants to give us, He has to increase our capacity to receive. Now you may be thinking, pour it on me, I can handle it, but that is because you have never experienced it. Real abundance is overwhelming, it is convicting, it takes time to process for it reveals things to us about us. We have more of a lack mindset than we even know. Not that we enjoy lack, but we don’t know how to receive abundance, due to our mindset of lack.

I was presented with an opportunity yesterday that overwhelmed me in a way that caused me to reflect on how far God has brought me. I used to have a spirit of poverty, a lack mindset, so whenever someone tried to bless me, I would resist it. I remember not so many months ago when my best friend said she wanted to buy me some nice piece of jewelry to wear when I am preaching. I resisted the thought of what she was presenting and when I went home that night, the Lord said, why are resisting what I am giving you?

We resist more abundance than we realize because abundance reveals our insecurity and our insecurity is pride, which is us not wanting to be out of control. Abundance reveals to us we are helpless and we do not want anyone to know that, because we have not be treated well by people who said they want to bless us, help us, walk with us. Our resistance is pushing away what God is trying to give us. But when we receive His abundance, it unlocks new measures of capacity to receive and receiving is what breaks our spirit of poverty and removes our spirit of lack.

Now is the time to let whatever God is giving you be received for He is using it to increase your capacity, for this is just the start of abundance. Abundance is not money, it is everything. Abundance is truth, people, wisdom, gifts, production, distribution, stewardship, love, mercy, grace, power, health, relationships, it is God! He is abundance and He is about to show off in a way we are not prepared for, but we if we will receive we will increase in capacity.


One of the numbers I see frequently is, 444. I saw it so often and so many variations of it, like 44, 4, 4:44 or 44:4 that I just took it as my number. To the point that I had 44 as the number I chose for my softball jersey when I was a coach back in Kansas City and I have a necklace with that number on it. I know one thing that number means to me is Ezekiel 44, which speaks about the Zadok Priesthood, who did not go astray when the Levitical priests were acting contrary to the commands of God. All that to say, this morning in prayer a phrase jumped out at me as a word from God for us and it is found in Psalm 44:4.

Psalm 44:4 says, “Command victories for Jacob!” The psalmist is asking this of God, but this morning I sensed the Lord was asking this from us. The Holy Spirit made it clear I have the power in my mouth to command victories for people, for families, for cities, for nations, for companies, for churches, for whatever I choose. The power to command victories is exhilarating. I was commanding victories for people I know, families I love, my home church here in Nashville, for our city, for our nation, for some friends businesses. It was the best way to pray today.

We use our mouth for a lot of things, but today and many days after this I pray we use our mouth to command victories for people and places. Instead of being critical, command a victory. We can command victory over their body, their mind, their money, their marriage, their ministry, their company. It is endless what we can command victory over when we see or hear people. I pray you start today with Psalm 44:4 and you command victories! Then every time you see 444, let it remind you of the power you have been given to command victories. The days of defeat are done, it is time to command victories, in Jesus Name!!!!!

Vibrancy Outbreak

Everything is about to change in a way that is going to bring vibrancy to our lives. Vibrancy is defined as a state of being full of energy and life; striking brightness of color; strength of resonance of sound. Last night I had one frame moving dreams happen. The first one was about going from black and white to color and the second frame was of a splash pad. Putting these two frames together, the Holy Spirit brought me to a park I used to go to in Seattle, WA where there is a large half sphere that has water and lights shooting out of it. We called it the dancing fountain of lights. People would sit for hours by this location and have picnics, kids would play in the water and the music would attract many just for a place to stop time.

I see vibrancy breaking into the earth realm in a way that is going to cause a splash pad effect of water and a sound and light experience. Water, sound and lights are the vibrancy we are about to experience. The imagery is obvious to me and the effects will change everything. I believe this “splash pad” is the fountains of the deep breaking open as stated in Genesis 7:12 “In the second month (Iyar/Ziv), on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day all the fountains of the great deep burst open, and the floodgates of the sky were opened.” It is also stated this way in Genesis 2:6 “A mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole surface of the ground.” The earth is God’s splash pad.

The vibrancy of light I saw was like going from black and white television to color. The day was April 14, 1967 when a news station in Iowa flipped their news broadcast from black and white to color and so changed the way America saw television forever. There were many events leading up to this, but this moment is the marker where the masses saw things differently. I see this type of vibrancy moment happening on the earth. What we only saw in black and white is about to burst forth in color. Psalm 43 says, “O send out Your light and Your truth, let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill And to Your dwelling places.” Vibrancy is about to lead us to divinity.

Everything is about to become vibrant! Water, light and sound are converging for a kingdom expression on earth as it is in heaven and we are about to enjoy every minute of it with our God. He is so much more fun, more kind, more powerful than we have ever been taught. It’s time for a splash pad of vibrancy to be seen and heard.

God’s Northern Light Show

Coincidence or perfect timing? When things line up in a way we cannot explain, we call it a coincidence. But what if it is not a coincidence, but was planned and executed in perfect timing? I was in prayer the other day and I said to the Lord, “You are Omni!” Hagar gave God a name when she called Him El Roi, the God who sees me in Genesis 16, so when those words came out of my mouth, I was giving God a new name to me, but it was a not a new name to God. “You are Omni-present; You are Omni-potent; You are omni-scient.” I was declaring God is all present, all powerful and all knowing, He is Omni!!!! The reality that God is Omni, helps us to see patterns not as coincidences but as planned and prepared by an Omniscient God.

Last night we had an event that was not as publicized as the Great American Eclipse, but created such an awe and wonder in people, that many declared, Psalm, 19, “The heavens declare the glory of God, the skies the work of His hands.” The Northern Lights were seen throughout much of America last night. Many saw pinks, greens, blues of the likes they had not seen before. some pictures captured what looked Iike angelic beings. It was a stunning display of God’s glory in the skies, the first heaven, the firmament. I love it when God shows off.

What some might consider a coincidence, I consider perfect timing. Last night was the New Moon, the beginning of a New Month on the Hebrew Calendar, the month of Iyar or Ziv. This new month is a month of miracles, healing, and blossoming. It is the second month of the biblical calendar year for the Hebrews and it was the very day God decided to reveal the Northern Lights to America and others nations of the world. Coincidence or perfect timing? I say perfect timing, for it happened at the beginning of a new moon, a new month and in it the heavens declared the beauty, the majesty and the glory of God. What a great start to a new month, it excites me to think what this month will hold for us with this kind of start. “There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven—He has made everything appropriate in its time.” (Ecclesiastes 3)

I Hear The Sound

“Remove the noise of humanity in order to hear the sound of divinity.” This is what the Holy Spirit said this morning in the early hours of the day with the sound of birds singing. Walking through a sanctuary of silence this morning it was crystal clear that we must remove the noise of humanity in order to hear clearly the sound of divinity. I found the word play interesting as sound and noise seem on the surface to be synonymous, but upon further study I learned there is a distinct difference between these two words.

Noise is defined as undesired or unwanted; where sound is connected to vibrations and water. In the Hebrew the word for sound is qol and it is linked with birds, water, voice. I love how the Holy Spirit knows exactly what He is talking about and if we don’t understand a little study will unlock revelation. There is a sound of the abundance of rain, says Elijah in 1 Kings 18. There is the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden, says Genesis 2. There is the sound of the trumpet spoken of in Joel 2. There is a sound that is connected to God and there is noise connected to the world.

What do we hear inside of ourselves when we are in a place where there is no voices outside of us? Do we hear a sound of salvation; a sound of creation; a sound of declaration; a sound of demonstration? Or do we hear the unwanted, undesired voices of memories, history, or some other person? Noise is distracting, destroying, and even demonic at times. The enemy uses noise to trouble our soul. However, there is a sound like the sound of many rushing waters and it is His voice. The voice of God is a sound that heals, saves, delivers, builds, plants and encourages. Are the people around you noise or are they echoing a sound that is building you inside strong?

The Holy Spirit says, “Remove the noise of humanity in order to hear the sound of divinity.” Divinity comes through humanity as a sound, can you hear the sound? Or are you distracted by the noise? I can hear the sound!!!

John 21 Time

Super Good News Alert!!!!

It’s John 21 time. “Simon Peter *said to them, “I am going fishing.” They *said to him, “We will also come with you.” They went out and got into the boat; and that night they caught nothing. But when the day was now breaking, Jesus stood on the beach; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. So Jesus *said to them, “Children, you do not have any fish, do you?” They answered Him, “No.” And He said to them, “Cast the net on the right-hand side of the boat and you will find a catch.” So they cast, and then they were not able to haul it in because of the great number of fish.”

I was walking Hunter this morning and on the road was a fish. We do not live near a lake or river, so this fish mush have been dropped here from the storm we had last night. I pondered the fish, for when there is something unusual on my path it usually means something. We finish the walk and see a rabbit, the first one of the season, right where the fish is and the Holy Spirit says, “Multiplication!”

Scriptures are racing through my heart and mind, when the Holy Spirit has me land on John 21. The Bible says, Jesus manifested Himself in this way…then goes on to speak of the miraculous catch of fish. Immediately the Holy Spirit says, “I am releasing an abundance of resources to the producers so they can produce more. Resources are for production not consumption.”

My friends, we are about to see producers receive an abundance of resources so they can produce more. We serve a God who loves multiplication. The parable of the talents, the parable of the minas, the parable of the vineyard workers is all evidence of how we are to produce if we are going to increase. It is time to receive rivers of resources for more production. Get ready for a manifestion of Jesus in abundance to the producers.

He Will Do It

I realized this morning while in prayer that I have spent way too much time worrying about and wondering when God is going to do what He said He would do. Like a child in the backseat of the car, I have been nagging God with the words, “Are we there yet!” As the Holy Spirit revealed this to me this morning, my heart was convicted that I have wasted so much time trying to figure out when God is going to keep His promise. Maybe you can relate.

Praying Psalm 37 is how this conviction came forth as the Holy Spirit showed me what I am supposed to be doing, and what God has says He will do. My job is to trust in the Lord; do good; dwell in the land; cultivate faithfulness; delight myself in the Lord; commit my way to the Lord; rest in the Lord; wait patiently for Him. These are my responsibilities in my relationship with God. He said He will, give me the desires of my heart; bring forth righteousness as light; and bring judgment as the noon day.

Friends, we have been so worried about the desires of our heart, we have actually said to the Lord we don’t believe you will do what you said you will do. The ache in us to fulfill the purpose for which He made us is so loud, we start to act like impatient kids in the backseat constantly praying, are we there yet? The Lord is inviting us to do what He has called us to do, as we do this we will find resting and waiting enjoyable. To really rest in the Lord is to have absolute confidence that He is going to do what He said He would do.

The more we try to figure out God’s timing on something, the more disappointed we get. So, today, we pivot to what we are called to do knowing with full confidence and absolute assurance that He will do what He said He will do. He is more faithful than we will ever be, so we honestly have nothing to worry about.

A Father’s Help

I was in prayer this morning and these words came out of my mouth… “You are not an absent Father!” When I said them, I knew they were inspired by the Holy Spirit and they were a declaration to a people, to a nation. We have not been left here to fend for ourselves, we have a Father in heaven, who is for us and not against us. He has not abandoned this planet, nor us His people. He is and ever present help in time for trouble.

It may sound at times like evil is triumphing, but evil is only a bully, which is full of hot air and carries no real substance. We have a Father, who is watching everything that is being done in secret, He knows the plans of the enemy and He will not be caught off guard. We are His children, bought with the highest price that can be paid, the blood of Jesus His son, our Savior.

Psalm 35 says, “O LORD, You preserve man and beast. How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; And You give them to drink of the river of Your delights.” Psalm 91 says, “A thousand may fall at your side And ten thousand at your right hand, But it shall not approach you. You will only look on with your eyes And see the recompense of the wicked.”

These are not the words of a man who lies, but of our God who is the TRUTH, He not only speaks truth, He is the embodiment of truth. His nature is truth, so whatever He says we can believe. We are not fatherless, He is not an absent Father, rather He is an ever present help in time of trouble. Fear not my friends, we have a Father and He will not let evil triumph over us. Have a great day!!!!